PPI Zero Marble Matte Sealer,  2oz. / 59ml

PPI Zero Marble Matte Sealer, 2oz. / 59ml

Leichter Fixierspray mit erfrischendem Duft. Durch die milde Formulierung auch für den täglichen Gebrauch und sensible Haut geeignet.

19,90 €

Fixier spray


Zero Marble Sealer is the perfect "go-to" prouct for most sealing applications. Lighter than Green Marble Sealer, but heavier than Blue Marble Sealer. Zero Marble is an excellent choice for those with sensitive skin. It is very gentle and light enough for everyday use. Zero Marble Sealer comes with an ultra light and fresh scent.  It Contains absolutely no tracing color, is lightly matting and holds all day. Cruelty free and Vegan.

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